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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tips for Protecting your Online Data

Rajat Taneja

Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Electronic Arts

Tips for Protecting your Online Data

Last Monday, I received a message from PayPal confirming that a payment from my account had successfully been transacted. They provided details of the recipient, the amount and date/time of the transaction — all very standard details found in any financial confirmation message. There was just one problem: I had not initiated any transaction and the recipient was not known to me. My account had been hacked.
As a technologist and early adopter, I pride myself in being very online-savvy. Getting hacked was both embarrassing and annoying. I’m sure many of you have had the same experience and it is not a pleasant one. In my case, the breach was a result of not having a strong password and it is possible that the password had been cracked or compromised via another site and then used at PayPal.
As consumers, we rely on websites we transact with to protect us. However, the fact is that just as we lock our homes and secure our doors and windows even when we have home security systems, the onus of protecting our online activities lies in large part with us.
At EA and in my earlier roles at Microsoft, countless hours and millions of dollars are spent to protect consumers and corporate assets. But a company and a network can only do so much.
The top preventative measures that can protect you online are actually fairly basic but in their simplicity lies a lot of protective strength. Here are the top 11 tips that I strongly advocate for online protection:
1) ALWAYS use strong passwords (combination of capital letter, number and punctuation). For sites that allow passphrases, it is a more secure and easier to remember option (e.g., WoWdid1reallys3ethatblueC@TjuMPacr0sstheBuilding? Except, now that I’ve typed that out it’s probably best you come up with your own :-))
2) Don’t use the same passwords for all accounts and change passwords regularly. This is easier said than done but it’s a necessary evil. You would never use the same key for your house, your car and your bank safe deposit box and the same applies online. There are password vault applications available (many free) on the web and on smartphones that can help you centrally manage your different passwords securely and often have the ability to help you create a secure password as well.
3) A more secure entry check would be to use a two step authentication process which requires you to receive a session PIN (via SMS). Several web services are beginning to offer this option and I recommend using this for the most important sites where you have financial and other personally identifiable information (PII) data.
4) The backup accounts used for restoring and resetting your password should be one that you use actively and provide near real-time notifications.
5) Back up your data into multiple and diverse solutions such as an external portable hard drive in conjunction with a secured cloud based backup solution. Don’t rely on a single storage medium for your most important data (family photos, etc.)
6) Basic information like your address and birthday are easily obtainable online. Always use secret questions that are fairly obscure and only you or close family would know.
7) Another good practice is to make sure public profiles on Google or Facebook are controlled and you only share information that you are comfortable the whole world can see. Don’t make it easy for someone to guess your password.
8) Full disk encryption (e.g., BitLocker for Windows, FileVault for Mac OS X, dm-crypt + LUKS for Linux) for your personal machines is critical to secure your data in the event you misplace or lose it. That way, despite the loss of the hardware, it becomes more difficult for someone else to access your data.
9) Be wary of using your credit card or other sensitive information online with websites that are not well known. Always ensure that HTTPS/SSL encryption is used when performing any transaction that requires you to enter sensitive information including your username and password. Look for https on the URL and the padlock icon in the URL. To even be safer, one can click the padlock and ensure the site has a valid certificate (such as Verisign).
10) Enable every alert possible for transaction confirmations, password changes and other notifications. It is one of the best ways to keep on top of any unauthorized change in any online account. Pay attention to the options each site provides and enable as many as possible.
11) Be aware of email phishing scams where a hacker attempts to gather information about you such as your username, passwords, or credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity. Avoid clicking on any suspicious links or providing any data about yourself. Always contact the entity directly using their published contact details to validate if it’s a legitimate request.
I diligently follow these tips but it just so happened that for my PayPal account which had been dormant I hadn’t updated my password in a long time and suffered as a result. I learned my lesson and luckily there was no damage in the end, but it was a good reminder to keep your eye on the ball.
Mat Honan of Wired magazine wrote a very detailed article last year about security flaws that led to an epic hack of his Twitter, Apple and Google accounts. It is a fascinating read and showcases the relatively straightforward techniques that can enable someone to breach our accounts. The steps outlined above are basic but taken together can seriously protect you and your assets online.
Are there other tools and techniques you use to protect yourself online? Let me know what I may have missed.

Who Said Malaysia Doesn't Have Beautiful Beaches?

Malaysian beaches on CNN top list

PETALING JAYA - Three beaches in Malaysia have recently made it to the top 50 beaches of the World’s 100 best beaches survey conducted by international news network CNN.
Making the list are Perhentian Kecil Island in Terengganu at 13th place, Juara Beach in Pahang’s Tioman Island (21) and Tanjung Rhu in Langkawi (49).
The list, which is compiled from various sources, takes into account feedback from travellers, colleagues and readers as well as on-site visits and research, CNN said on its website.
It said that most tourists in Langkawi flock to Cenang Beach but Tanjung Rhu has an earthy beauty and serene atmosphere.
The long beach in Tanjung Rhu is surrounded by ancient limestone caves, rippling waterways and dense mangroves.
“We love Langkawi for the breathtaking view atop Gunung Mat Cincang, one of the island’s highest mountains,” it added.
As for Juara Beach, it was less developed and less polished than Thailand, but it brought an all-natural, quiet vibe to the beach experience.
“This isn’t a place for parties or nightlife, unless you like your parties hushed and your nightlife non-human,” quoted CNN.
Tioman Island is a great place for adrenaline junkies who want a rock climbing challenge at Nenek Semu­kut Mountain.
The highlight of Perhentian Kecil Island is its blue waters, which invariably contain turtles and small sharks.
However, Tourism Malaysia gave a different set of best Malaysian beaches according to locals.
The best beaches and islands are Sipadan Island, Mabul and Kapalai in Sabah, Tourism Malaysia said in a press release.
Sipadan is an internationally famous dive site surrounded by the Sulawesi sea and the geographic position of Sipadan at the Indo-Pacific Basin (the centre of the richest marine habitat in the world) makes it a paradise for divers, it said.
The seascape is decorated with huge gorgonian sea fans, barrel sponges and gigantic soft tree corals.
To preserve the delicate ecosystem, accommodation is only provided at the neighbouring Mabul and Kapalai islands and tours must be pre-arranged.
“Malaysia has hundreds of island dotting its waters and some of the world’s best islands and beaches can be found here,” said Tourism Malaysia.
In Peninsular Malaysia, Cherating Beach in Pahang, Redang Island and Lang Tengah Island in Terengganu, and Pangkor Island in Perak are the most popular among the locals, it added.

“Enjoy the process more than the proceeds.” The Ten Terrible Reasons To Get Rich

The Ten Terrible Reasons To Get Rich

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The Ten Terrible Reasons To Get Rich
Lisa Christiansen Humans have an obsession with wealth–how to amass it, the toys they can buy with it, and that warm, safe feeling of being swaddled in it.
For the nearly 10% of working Americans who are unemployed (and the many thousands more who may be hanging onto their jobs by the nubs of their fingernails), having a pile of money sounds like a high-class problem they’d be thrilled to have. But here’s the deeper truth: Getting rich is a result, not a reason, and the reasons really do matter, if happiness and fulfillment are your ultimate goals.
Warren Buffett once said this about wealth building: “Enjoy the process more than the proceeds.” How right he was. After working as a clinician and coach for super-successful people for the last 30 years, I have seen the damage wrought by the single-minded pursuit of money. Wealth in itself is not harmful; it’s the why and how you go after it that can leave you frustrated at best and emotionally bankrupt at worst.
Are you ready? here are ten terrible reasons to get rich: 1. It’s a way to keep score.
Donald Trump, a man of great integrity, who some believe compulsively asserts how smart or beloved he is in every conversation, repeatedly tells people, “Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.” Once again, The Donald is dead-on.
Those who amass a fortune exclusively to best (or belittle) competitors inevitably find their endeavors dissatisfying. Making money for the sake of it isn’t much different than, as the saying goes, shooting fish in a barrel. You get what you’re after, but when you do you feel, “Is that it?”
2. It will enhance my sense of self-worth.
Not only can’t money buy happiness, it doesn’t do all that much for your self-esteem. That’s because self-esteem (with all apologies to Oprah and the rest) derives in large part from how others react to us and that reaction tends to change with the size of your wallet. Sad but true…
It’s a pernicious little paradox: If people learn that you are wealthy before they know you or work with you, they often are incapable of praising you lest the favorable feedback seem like syrupy ingratiation.
Take a former client of mine, whom I’ll call Todd. Todd wanted to make his mark as a freelance gag writer; he also had a large trust fund and everyone knew it. To guard against being seduced by disingenuous feedback, Todd would only take negative criticism to heart.
Surprise: That steady diet of negativity made Todd miserable over time. Todd was accentuating the negative for obvious reasons, but he never learned to take pride in himself or in his work–even when his jokes were truly funny and believe me they are.
3. It’s liberating.
Think money will set you free? Make enough of it and you’ll have to deal with what shrinks call “correspondence bias” the tendency of people to form complex yet uninformed impressions based on a single attribute, i.e. your wealth. That sounds like it’s their problem, when in fact it becomes your problem.
Example: One of my clients, beloved for his cut-up personality, unhappily adopted a more demure version of himself after his company went public. “Now that I have money I cannot do [this or that],” he kept saying. “It wouldn’t be fitting.” Irony alert.
4. I’ll meet my dream girl or guy.
Nerds have tried to woo beautiful women by amassing wealth since the dawn of time. It works–for awhile. Then the doubt creeps in: “Do people love me for who I am (as a person), or what I am (super-rich)?” Understand that money has never converted a frog into a prince: That happens only after a person does the self-analytic work it takes to find passion and purpose in their life. Without it, get ready for a string of encounters with well-dressed gold-diggers.
5. I’ll retire and enjoy life one day.
Sounds great, right? Work hard for 15 years, bank a few million or more, and then open a tiki bar in Fiji.
That’s not how it works, though. When you are in a career for the money, your most recent earnings statement becomes a floor you must exceed in successive years or be deemed a failure. Psychologists have shown that as a result of these exhilarating rewards, a high earner experiences chemical changes in the brain comparable to those produced by cocaine.
In other words, moneymaking, for some personality types, becomes addictive.  Hence the passage: “Those who love money will never have enough.” [Ecclesiastes (5:10)] The moral to this is do what you love for the love of what you do and the money will come. I have personally never had a job because I do what I love and I love what I do, it is because of this I feel God has richly rewarded me through paychecks of the heart that money cannot replace.
6. A world of new experiences and challenges will open up for me.
Here’s another vexing paradox for wealth builders: The richer you get, the more threatened you might be by the thought of leaving your comfort zone and confronting new challenges. Chalk this up to something (yes, we shrinks have a name for this, too) called catastrophizing–the tendency to overestimate the significance of any given negative event.
Simply put: Many wealthy people are used to succeeding, which means they grow ever more terrified of failing, thus hemming them–oddly terrified and starved of adventure–inside their comfort zones.
7. I’ll have no problems–just expenses.
From the outside looking in, it seems that with enough money you can fix any problem life throws at you. To an extent this is true, but the relief, be assured, is ephemeral. A chronic reliance on buying (hiring) resources can breed a host of psychological hiccups, the worst being a loss of self-efficacy, which left unchecked can blossom into depression.
Just as muscles weaken if not flexed on a regular basis, your ego will atrophy if you have a phalanx of assistants catering to your every need. Forfeiting control over the little things can leave you feeling faster than you can imagine incapable of wrestling with life’s simplest challenges. And that ain’t a good feeling.
8. I’ll never sweat the small stuff.
Because sycophants do their bidding at warp speed, folks with money never develop what psychologists call “frustration tolerance” that is, the ability to calm oneself during the interval between sensing a desire and becoming enraged by the thought that it might not be fulfilled.
The most common symptom of this a tantrum that only rich people can pull-off without being arrested, this is more commonly known as DYKWIA? (“Do You Know Who I Am?”) meltdown. In a word: ugly.
9. I’ll be a good provider for my family.
Sure you will as measured by your credit card bill. But if face time is any part of being a good provider (and any good shrink will tell you that it is), then get ready to fall short because everyone spells love T-I-M-E. Eighty hour work weeks don’t leave much time for Little League games, PTA meetings or anniversary dinners.
10. I’ll be safe.
Having money means you’ll eat well, have a roof over your head and be able to put your children through college. All very comforting. But safety in the sense of experiencing inner peace and general rightness with the world can’t be bought with cash, especially given that the rich aren’t exactly allowed to gripe about their inner turmoil.
It’s one thing if a laid-off teacher says, “Life sucks,” but how can someone earning eight figures say that? As my lawyer client would say: “It wouldn’t be fitting.”
Go ahead, earn all your heart desires. Just have a sense of why you’re doing it and take care of yourself along the way.
Remember, money is NOT the root of all evil, the lack of money is the root of all evil because statistically crimes are committed in the pursuit of cold hard cash. Earn with excellence with integrity as your guide.


Bernard Marr

Best-selling business author and enterprise performance expert

What The Hell Is a... KPI?

Love them or loathe them, KPIs are everywhere. We hear about KPIs in businesses, schools and hospitals. Indeed, many of us have KPI targets in our jobs, others have to report on KPIs, but what really is a KPI?
In simple terms a KPI is a way of measuring how well we as individuals or how well entire companies or business units are performing. KPI is short for Key Performance Indicator. A KPI should help us understand how well a company, business unit or individual is performing compared to their strategic goals and objectives.
I often use a sailing boat analogy to illustrate: Just think of a sailing trip from Southampton to New York City. Here, the aim of the journey is be to take passengers and cargo to the Big Apple - say, in 10 days. Once set sail, the captain and crew need navigation data to understand where they are relative to their planned sailing route. In this case useful KPIs might include the GPS location data, average speed, fuel levels, weather information, etc. Together, these metrics (or KPIs) allow the team in charge to understand whether they are on track or veering off route. This enables them to make decisions about where to steer next.
For companies, it is exactly the same. If a company's goal is to make more money, it might want to measure KPIs such as sales growth, profit margins and operating costs. If a company wants to attract new customers by creating a great brand, it might measure brand equity and brand awareness. And if a company wants to ensure their employees are engaged it might want to measure staff advocacy as a KPI. And if, like most companies, all of the above matter, then it needs a set of KPIs.
The trouble is that there are 1000s of KPIs to chose from and companies often struggle to select the right ones for their business. The wrong KPIs bring the danger of pointing people into the wrong direction and even encouraging them to deliver the wrong things. Always remember, the reason why KPIs are so powerful is that 'you get what you measure'. If a company measures and rewards the achievement of KPIs that are not in line with their goals then it basically asked the crew to sail into the wrong direction!
Effective KPIs are closely tied to strategic objectives (be it for the entire company, a business unit, or an individual). When I help companies select the right KPIs we first develop a performance management framework that articulates the strategic priorities. We usually create a single-page diagram of the key objectives and how they support each other to deliver the ultimate goal (e.g. deliver value to shareholders).
Once the performance framework represents the company objectives it is time to develop KPIs. But before anyone jumps straight to the measures I make sure companies first identify the questions they need to answer. Take Google, their executive team has identified a set of about 35 questions. They now make sure that the KPIs they use are helping them answer their most critical business questions. This way companies not only tie their KPIs to their strategy but also ensure they are meaningful and informative (i.e. helping you to answer critical business questions).
For more information check out my latest book on the 75 KPIs every manager needs to know, find some more info on KPIs here or browse the free KPI Library provided by the Advanced Performance Institute.
What is your experience with KPIs? Useful or not? Are they used well in your company or are they just unnecessary noise? Do they provide insights or confuse people? Does your company use the wrong KPIs and is this maybe leading to the wrong behaviours? Share your views...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Press TV: Al-Qaeda’s partnership with US now ‘official’

Al-Qaeda’s partnership with US now ‘official’
Former al-Qaeda ringleader Osama bin Laden
Former al-Qaeda ringleader Osama bin Laden
Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:22AM
By Gordon Duff
Al-Qaeda was established under the authority of President Reagan on March 27, 1985, with National Security Directive 166. This established a broad cover organization that could engage in arms and financial transactions otherwise prohibited by US law.
Related Interviews:
High-level sources inside America’s intelligence community are totally flabbergasted by recent administration policies, particularly regarding Syria. The consensus is that the Obama administration is operating “totally blind” and doesn’t care.

Top policy advisors opposed to the new Russian-Iranian alliance, on advice from Israel, are shifting America’s position in Syria’s now “three-sided” foreign-backed insurgency.

Israeli Ambassador to Washington Michael Oren, acting as de facto White House spokesman, explains why the Obama administration has now abandoned its support of moderate forces for those of al-Qaeda.

From the Jerusalem Post:
“’Tehran-Damascus-Beirut arc is the greatest danger,’ says outgoing Israeli envoy to US Michael Oren.
’Bad guys’ backed by Iran are worse for Israel than ‘bad guys’ who are not supported by the Islamic Republic … the initial message about the Syrian issue was that we always wanted [President] Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran,’ he said.
This was the case, he said, even if the other ‘bad guys’ were affiliated to al-Qaida.”

The fact is al-Qaeda militants are actively wiping out moderate rebel factions fighting the Assad regime, now clearly with Israeli backing. That means another “arc” exists: Tel Aviv, al-Qaeda and the globalist cabal of neocons, Zionists and financial criminals.

Assisting them every step of the way is the controlled corporate media and the governments they have bought and blackmailed.

Wikipedia claims al-Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden while in Peshawar, Pakistan during the late 1980s. This is an outrageous fiction.
Al-Qaeda was established under the authority of President Reagan on March 27, 1985, with National Security Directive 166. This established a broad cover organization that could engage in arms and financial transactions otherwise prohibited by US law.

It was never intended as a vehicle for false-flag terrorism. That would come later. It was a cover operation meant to allow clandestine operations that required a high degree of deniability.

Al-Qaeda is an organization totally under the control of the intelligence agencies of the US, Israel, Britain and France. The real foundation of al-Qaeda and its oversight, its very real hierarchy, is outlined below.

A similar organization had been formed to deal with the danger of Soviet expansionism in Europe. It was called “Gladio.” Eventually, Gladio became a very real terror organization, operating in Europe for over a decade.

Chosen to head that organization was Osama bin Laden or “Colonel Tim Osman,” as he was known.

Bin Laden worked directly with White House national security advisors and the Central Intelligence Agency. From his headquarters in Islamabad and Peshawar, bin Laden coordinated American activities in Afghanistan and across the Islamic world.

In August 1989, bin Laden met with White House intelligence advisor Lee Wanta and CIA station Chief Jimmie Chee to arrange the repatriation of the last 116 Stinger missiles in inventory in Pakistan.

Details and transcripts of that meeting are available, a meeting held in English.

In early 1990, bin Laden, suffering from advanced kidney disease, was flown to an American facility in the Persian Gulf.

From there, bin Laden flew to Los Angeles, landing in the Ontario airport, met by Albert Hakim, representing President Bush (41), Ollie North (free on appeal bond), Admiral William Dickie, attorney Glenn Peglau and General Jack Singlaub, one of the founders of the CIA.

Hakim was the personal representative of President Bush and in overall charge of the project. “Bud” McFarlane, an Iran-Contra figure pardoned by President Bush in 1992, was also a part of the group.

Bin Laden then left Los Angeles for Washington DC. There he stayed in the Mayflower Hotel. Meetings were held at the Metropolitan Club in Washington. Attorney Glenn Peglau stayed at the Metropolitan.

While there, Peglau’s room was broken into and “items” removed.
At no point is there record, classified or public, that this “working group” was ever dissolved nor is there any record that Osama bin Laden’s status as a security operative working for the US government ever ended.

In 2001, Osama bin Laden’s last public statement denied any involvement in the 9/11 attacks. There are no classified documents tying bin Laden to 9/11 or citing him to be a “rogue CIA operative.”

The CIA’s “bin Laden Unit” and the “hunt for bin Laden” are as fictional as “Zero Dark 30,” the Oscar winning fairy tale outlining the alleged murder of one of America’s most important intelligence assets, a man who died in 2001.

Today, Ambassador Michael Oren, in his last public statement, has admitted Israel’s full and continued relationship with al-Qaeda and the White House working group that helped found that organization so many years ago.

The paragraphs above contain more classified intelligence of a higher level than ever before released.

“False Flag”
With the acceptance of the “false flag” mantra by the powerful Tea Party wing of the opposition party, tapping in on broad public distrust of decades of government lies, the Obama administration has chosen unilateralism, not just as a global policy, but at home as well.

Now that the genie is out of the bottle and “false flag terrorism” is recognized as something other than “conspiracy theory,” the door is open for broad reassessment of a number of nagging issues, particularly 9/11, but much more as well, including the well-orchestrated financial disaster that has destroyed the economic well-being of millions of American families.

Advisors have told Obama he needs something to unite Americans and distract them from an awakening that will destroy all confidence in American leaders, rigged elections, phony terror wars and a scam economy.

Yesterday’s inexplicable incident at the Navy Yard in Washington, 13 dead, no motive, vanished suspects and conflicting accounts, will only add to the loss of credibility.

Military Backlash
They are making America the “laughing stock” of the world, something top military leaders are frightened by. “America is burning down its credibility, humiliating allies.”

This week, while talking with a senior army intelligence officer, I was told the following:
“We reviewed the CIA report they gave Congress and the president. It was pure “amateur hour.” What else can you expect from a pack of drug dealers? This is right out of the Bush era, using NSA intercepts to create traffic analysis patterns and simply inventing a hypothesis to fit a policy. We have long known that “traffic analysis” intelligence is worthless, Israel is the world’s expert at creating phony radio traffic and they are in this up to their eyeballs.”

What Obama’s team is doing has been done before, filtering out any information that doesn’t fit and spinning the rest to support what is clearly America’s “last gasp” in the Middle East.

The reports contained no mention of six rebels indicted in Turkey for buying ten tons of chemicals to make sarin gas and no mention of earlier arrests with sarin-filled canisters.

Whatever Washington is telling the public, a public totally opposed to a war in Syria, it is now dedicated to regime change, the policy Israel announced today.

Intelligence meltdown
It is quite possible that the last well-informed American was former Vice President Dick Cheney. His years in Washington gave him direct access to real information. Cheney knew who the fools and liars were, President Obama and his top advisors certainly don’t.

The problem with Cheney wasn’t that he was stupid, far from that, it was his agenda, a life dedicated to serving totalitarian powers, a life dedicated to chaos and conquest.

It has become increasingly clear that Cheney was president, not Bush. History has shown Bush to be little more than a rich boy on an ego trip, an untreated alcoholic and addict, dangerously impetuous, with no grasp of policy, no intellectual capacity and the attention span of a gnat.
His role as a 21st century Napoleonesque figurehead will be his enduring legacy.

Now, America’s “ship of state” seems headed back in that same direction, all evidence of course correction erased while America plans for a Syrian invasion, building another “coalition of the willing.” Has President Obama chosen to take his own “road to Waterloo?”

Those close to the president have advised him to do everything possible to undermine talks with Russia over Syria. The agenda is clear. Syria is to have a regime change, even at risk of World War.

Obama’s advisors tell him Putin will back down as Russia’s program to rebuild its military into a credible conventional deterrent in the Middle East is a decade from realization.

Obama is being told this is the time for a confrontation with Russia and Syria is his opportunity; otherwise, America’s influence in the region is over. What he is not being told and what his intelligence reports have had carefully excised from them is the regional reality that General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had been trying to convey for months.

America has been manipulated into taking on a position in Syria that will lead to a full-scale civil war, one that will make the hundred thousand casualties of the last two years seem insignificant in comparison.

The original goal was Balkanization with Turkey seizing Northern Syria, Israel expanding to the suburbs of Damascus and al-Qaeda setting up a jihadist state extending into Iraq as a base for taking down the Baghdad government.

In the process, the Christian population of Syria and Iraq/Kurdistan will be slaughtered.

Lebanon would be isolated and destroyed as well with Israel exacting revenge on Hezbollah for their humiliation in 2000 and 2006.

Sea of Lies
How many in Washington are aware of the real history, the founding of al-Qaeda, of Gladio, the coup of 2000, of 9/11 or the fantasy world of orchestrated false flag terrorism, revolutions “on demand” or drone murder?

Before the end of the Reagan presidency, most real military and intelligence operations had moved outside official channels. In 2001, the rogue cabal that had operated above and beyond any government became the government.

We are now seeing evidence that it is still “alive and well.” 


Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic representative for UN humanitarian and economic development efforts. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest. More Press TV articles by Gordon Duff